Harbans Singh Birdi & Another v Esther Nyambura Ngotho & Another [2020] eKLR Case Summary

Court: Court of Appeal at Nairobi

Category: Civil

Judge(s): R. N. Nambuye, H. Okwengu, D. K. Musinga

Judgment Date: August 07, 2020

Country: Kenya

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 3

 Case Summary        


This case summary, Harbans Singh Birdi & Another v Esther Nyambura Ngotho & Another [2020] eKLR, explores key judicial decisions and their implications. Discover insights into the ruling and its impact on legal practices.

Case Brief: Harbans Singh Birdi & another v Esther Nyambura Ngotho & another [2020] eKLR
1. Case Information:
- Name of the Case: Harbans Singh Birdi & Manmohan Kaur Birdi vs. Esther Nyambura Ngotho & Chief Land Registrar
- Case Number: Civil Application No. 2 of 2020 (UR No. 2 of 2020)
- Court: Court of Appeal at Nairobi
- Date Delivered: 7th August 2020
- Category of Law: Civil
- Judge(s): R. N. Nambuye, H. Okwengu, D. K. Musinga
- Country: Kenya

2. Questions Presented:
- Whether the applicants have established an arguable appeal against the judgment of the Environment and Land Court.
- Whether the execution of the trial court's judgment should be stayed pending the hearing of the intended appeal.

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  • Harbans-Singh-Birdi--Another-v-Esther-Nyambura-Ngotho--Another-[2020]-eKLR-Case-Summary_23_0.jpg

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